Wishing this finds you still enjoying Easter chocolate, Bunnies, relaxing ,or perhaps your' thing'
whatever that means to you.
My Easter was distant from most of my Family, Catching up by face time and phone calls, plus visiting my isolated 89 year old Mum , for socially acceptable visits.A totally weird kinda Easter.
I found time to walk and cycle around my local area, in between the cracks of time I allowed myself
between doing WasGij jigsaws....Ive managed to finish two of these amazing intricate, colourful, addictive forms of relaxing enjoyment...over the last two weeks (My thanks to Lia, daughter in Melbourne, for starting this new addiction!)
Have you tried them? Honestly do not go there..they will consume your time!!
Remember that Silikan Tape I was trying , a vertical 5" strip on the outside of my right calf...
follow up report...It lasted 7 days, with removal and washing & allowing to dry, every two days, before reapplying in exactly the same place.The tape crinckled a little over the last day or so, and I needed to smooth it down.I found the vertical position lasts so much longer than applying the tape horizontally .
I found this picture below, and realised we are all spending a great deal of our minutes
Doing just this!!
With my warmest thoughts for your continued good health.
Lisa Raimondo
