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Writer's pictureLisa Raimondo

So, why do women put their needs last?

Hello there, lovely readers!

If you're like the many superheroes in disguise—yes, I'm talking to you, wonderful women out there—you probably have a to-do list that's longer than a CVS receipt. And let’s be honest, often your own needs end up scribbled at the very bottom, right below "Learn to speak fluent Italian" and "Organize that one junk drawer that’s become a household mystery."

So, why do women tend to put their needs last? It's like when you're on an airplane, and they tell you to put on your oxygen mask first before helping others, but instead, we're making sure everyone else is breathing easy while we're turning blue! This isn't just about being selfless; it's a complex cocktail of societal norms, the superwoman syndrome, and, let's not forget, our uncanny ability to multitask till the cows come home.

The Beauty Underneath: Breast Scar Healing

Now, speaking of taking care of oneself, let's delve into a topic that's as intimate as it is important — breast scar healing. Whether these marks are from surgeries such as biopsies, lumpectomies, or mastectomies, they are more than just physical reminders — they're badges of courage. Yet, they can also be a source of discomfort and self-consciousness.

Enter the game-changer: Areola Silicone Scar Gel Circles/Sheets by SILIKAN. These little circles of wonder are designed to soothe, flatten, and fade breast scars, offering comfort and confidence to anyone who uses them. It's like having a mini spa treatment focused exclusively on your scars!

Why We Push Our Needs to the Back Burner

Let's circle back (see what I did there?) to our original conundrum — why do women put their needs last? Perhaps it's because we've been conditioned to nurture, care, and provide. Or maybe we simply enjoy feeling needed. But here’s the twist of lemon in the plot – sometimes by caring for others, we neglect the one person who needs us most: ourselves.

Think about it. When was the last time you did something purely for yourself without feeling a twinge of guilt? If you're scratching your head, don't worry, you're in good company. It's time we start reshuffling that to-do list and placing 'me-time' a bit higher. Like, right after 'buy more chocolate' and way before 'learn to fold a fitted sheet properly.'

The Unspoken Self-Care Ritual

And speaking of me-time, treating your scars with proper care is more than a physical healing process; it's an act of self-love. The Areola Silicone Scar Gel Circles/Sheets are not just products; they're your personal allies, cheering on your skin's recovery every step of the way. Designed specifically for the delicate areola area, these hypoallergenic, self-adhesive miracles understand that while your scars tell a story, you are the author who decides how it unfolds.

Imagine a moment in your day dedicated to nurturing your body. It's just you, your SILIKAN sheets, and maybe some soothing music as you give thanks to the strength your scars represent. Doesn't that sound divine?

Education Corner: How Do They Work Their Magic?

Alright, let's put on our lab coats and talk science for a second. Silicone is the MVP when it comes to scar healing. It hydrates the skin, locks in moisture, and allows the scar to heal within a secure environment. It's like creating a tiny greenhouse effect minus the humidity and ferns.

Plus, the use of silicone for scar management is supported by numerous studies, so it isn't just hoopla. It's legitimate, tried-and-tested hoopla that has dermatologists and plastic surgeons nodding in approval.

From Education to Action

So, how do you incorporate these little wonders into your daily routine? Just clean the affected area, peel off the backing, and place the gel circle on your scar. Wear it for at least 12  hours each day, and voilà, you're on your way to smoother, less noticeable scars. Think of it as an easy addition to your skincare ritual, one that focuses on honoring the journey your body has been through.

Wrap-Up: A Call to Self-PriorityHello there, lovely readers!

If you're like the many superheroes in disguise—yes, I'm talking to you, wonderful women out there—you probably have a to-do list that's longer than a CVS receipt. And let’s be honest, often your own needs end up scribbled at the very bottom, right below "Learn to speak fluent Italian" and "Organize that one junk drawer that’s become a household mystery."

So, why do women tend to put their needs last? It's like when you're on an airplane, and they tell you to put on your oxygen mask first before helping others, but instead, we're making sure everyone else is breathing easy while we're turning blue! This isn't just about being selfless; it's a complex cocktail of societal norms, the superwoman syndrome, and, let's not forget, our uncanny ability to multitask till the cows come home.

A toast to putting ourselves higher on our own lists.

SILIKAN Customer Care team

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